So have you wondered about the ”true life”?.ERD Commander 2015 / MS DaRT 10 is a most useful suite of tools, that can help you troubleshoot and recover a non-booting Windows 10 installation. So, why don’t you think about true life? Be smart! True life is your start!” Like many things in Faiz itself, nothing is what it seems like on the surface.

I hope I was able to demonstrate the importance of the motto: “Life is frail. Takumi strives to follow his dreams for the remainder of his short existence thereby achieving the ”true life”. Faiz’s answer to what is the ”true life” is finding your dream and pursuing that dream. In episode 17, in where Takumi dramatically held the ashes of a dead man in his hands suggesting that Takumi has come to terms with his unfortunate fate, Takumi is forced to contemplate what is the ”true life” with his life rapidly drawing to a close. It can’t be a coincidence a certain scene of the final moments of the show directly mirrors a scene from a much earlier episode. Takumi fully knows his life is too ”frail” and ”limited”. Takumi Inui is an Orphnoch so his life will be cut short by this unfortunate curse.