leverages the DSC extension to run the configuration on the VM.leverages the DSC extension only to register the VM with the Azure Automation pull server in order for DSC to run the configuration on the VM.The DSC sets up a scheduled task to call the script at the time of any user logon. This script copies a script from the artifcats location to the local C:\ drive to be used as a user logon script. Leverages the Custom Script extension which runs a script as the local computer account at the time of deployment.Deploys a vNet into a separate Resource Group ( Cross Resource Group Deployment), a resource group used for shared resources.This blog post discusses my github repo, which: There’s a couple of ways to do DSC on Azure, you can deploy a template and use the DSC extension resource to deploy DSC configuration to your VM (simple for quick simple deployments), or you can leverage Azure Automation as a DSC Pull server (subject of this blog), where you store all your DSC configuration scripts, MOF files and manage all your DSC nodes, to see drift, compliance etc.